In this blog, I aim to share a collection of insights that have proven instrumental in effecting substantial positive changes in my own life. Rather than a fleeting remedy, the focus here lies in the practice of consistency over intensity—a principle echoed by the timeless wisdom of Aristotle:
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act, but a habit."
This platform is tailored for individuals who find themselves at an impasse, dissatisfied with their current status quo. It's for those who aspire to embody their most empowered selves and enhance all facets of their lives. While I offer a selection of effective tools, my primary objective is to provide ample value for you to take tangible steps towards self-improvement, both for yourself and those around you.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
No notion stands in isolation; it's an amalgamation of ideas forged by countless others. I draw inspiration from luminaries such as Tony Robbins, Jim Rhon, David Goggins, Alex Hormozi, Confucius, Marcus Aurelius, and more. These teachings have informed my own journey, culminating in a versatile toolkit I'm eager to share.
"I do not credit anyone for this work, nor do I take credit for any of it either. It stands as a testament to the years of study and practical application that have shaped these insights."
Cultivating Trust
Scepticism is not only encouraged but essential. It's imperative to scrutinise and rationalise every notion presented here. Emotional resonance may fade, but logical coherence endures. If the ideas resonate with your logical faculties, I invite you to explore and, in turn, share your experiences. Should they not, that's perfectly valid. My intention is to stimulate thought, much as those before me have inspired my own.
Navigating Life's Challenges
Addressing life's challenges requires a discerning approach. The concept of "St George in Retirement Syndrome" coined by Australian author Kenny Minogue is a poignant reminder of the perils of getting entangled in minor conflicts after vanquishing grander adversaries. For those not familiar, St George slays the dragon and in turn goes in search of other smaller dragons; once he has slain them he hunts all the lizards and by the time he retires he is swiping at blades of grass. Recognising when to shift focus from minor skirmishes to larger dragons, or allowing time for them to emerge, is paramount.

Who You Aspire to Be
Initiating transformation hinges on identifying the person you aspire to become. While many fixate on specific goals at the outset of their journeys, I contend that a more crucial consideration is, "Who must I become to accomplish these goals?" As Alex Hormozi aptly puts it, "You can't have a strong character and an easy life; the price of one is the other."
If audacious goals are your aim, as I encourage, embodying the character traits requisite for their attainment is imperative. Once this identity is defined, charting your course becomes a tangible endeavour.
“All my life I wanted to be somebody. Now I see I should have been more specific”
- Lily Tomlin
Harnessing Emotional Energy
Emotions, often overlooked as a profound resource, and are, in fact, the most potent currency of the human experience. Regardless of external achievements, a life steeped in anger, frustration, and resentment remains impoverished. I contend that emotions, when managed resourcefully, constitute the cornerstone of our potential.
Reframing them not as 'good' or 'bad', but as 'resourceful' or 'unresourceful', facilitates objectivity, providing clarity and control. With this perspective, we transcend subjective judgments, unlocking greater agency over our emotional states.
Strategy, Story, State
When confronted with a challenge, I often resort to the framework of Strategy, Story, State. Many attempt to resolve issues by fixating on the strategy, which subsequently shapes the narrative they tell themselves, ultimately dictating their emotional state.
Allow me to illustrate this concept with a concrete example:
Issue: Coping with the loss of a parent
Strategy: I'll immerse myself in tasks to avoid dwelling on it
Story: I find it hard to fathom my mother's behaviour in this situation
State: I'm enveloped in a sense of numbness
Yet, with a simple inversion of this process, we witness the profound impact of this model:
Issue: Coping with the loss of a parent
State: I'm filled with gratitude
Story: Because these wonderful individuals have embraced me like a daughter
Strategy: I seek out additional sources of gratitude in my life
Here, the issue itself remains unchanged, but the response undergoes a transformation, profoundly influencing the trajectory of that individual's journey.
By prioritising our state, we embark on a journey of self-reinvention, crafting fresh narratives and formulating innovative strategies. Now, the question arises: How can we effectuate this change in our state?

NOTE: Another term for emotions is our state.
We have the capacity to mould and shift our state through three fundamental avenues:
1. Physiology—our physical movements. The greater our activity and the more expansive our gestures, the more substantial the transformation. The speed of our speech, the breadth of our smiles—these micro-actions wield significant influence. Ponder the body language of a depressed individual: head bowed, breathing shallow, speech slow, shoulders slouched. On the contrary, now think about how a superhero stands, breaths and speaks.

2. Focus—where focus goes, energy flows. Concentrating on the negative aspects of life propels us in that direction, invariably converging with those undesirable outcomes. If we proclaim a "bad day" and steadfastly focus on it, our mind diligently sifts through data to substantiate this conviction.

3. Language—our words function as a form of self-hypnosis, crafting our reality. Confucius succinctly captures this: "He who says he can and he who says he can't, are both usually right." If we persistently furnish ourselves with a narrative of incapability, our endeavours are likely to be hampered. It's pivotal to remember, "Words are energy and they cast spells, that's why it's called spelling," as astutely observed by Bruce Lee.

To recap, by harnessing our physicality, directing our attention, and fine-tuning our language, we possess the capacity to transform our state, irrespective of external circumstances. This transformation in state, in turn, catalyses a shift in the stories we recount to ourselves, ultimately illuminating the path toward problem resolution.
Unanswered Questions
In essence, predicaments are merely unanswered questions. Contemplate any current challenge, and invariably, it begins with a 'how,' 'what,' 'when,' or 'why.' Acknowledging this, we must strive for an adeptness in posing alternative inquiries, thereby uncovering more fruitful problems. Consider the following:
Issue: Weight loss
Question: How do I shed pounds?
Answer: I've tried everything without success.
Outcome: Stagnation, same results
Issue: Weight loss
Question: How can I embark on a weight loss journey that I relish every step of, or how do I lose weight in a manner that fosters self-love?
Answer: Well, I truly enjoy dancing.
Outcome: Enrols in dance classes
Identifying Your Core Needs
Every individual harbours six fundamental human needs, though two among them typically wield the most influence. These needs encompass:
- Certainty/Comfort
- Uncertainty/Variety
- Significance
- Growth
- Contribution
- Love/Connection
Each of these requisites can be met through both constructive and detrimental means. Consider the concept of significance. The innate desire to feel important may manifest as uplifting others or seeking to diminish them, serving as two distinct expressions of this need.
"You can either build the tallest building, or you can tear everyone else’s down," posits Tony Robbins. The imperative here lies in recognizing which two needs resonate most profoundly with you, and subsequently discerning how they manifest in your life as either empowering or disempowering convictions.
Childhood Influences
Recall your formative years—whose love did you yearn for more intensely, that of your mother or father? Undoubtedly, you cherished them both, yet whose affection held greater sway? What three attributes spring to mind when contemplating the person you believed you needed to be to earn that love? For instance:
I needed to be...
- Obedient
- Achieving
- Amusing

These reflections are pivotal, for your parents serve as the inaugural source of loving relationships, thereby laying the groundwork for your expectations in subsequent connections. If obedience, achievement, and humour were the prerequisites for your parents' affection, it's conceivable you've maintained these patterns in your adult relationships.
- Obedience: Do you find yourself consistently agreeable during conversations, even when in disagreement?
- Achievement: Is your vocation a frequent topic of discussion? Do you feel compelled to showcase material success when meeting new acquaintances?
- Humour: Do you strive to elicit laughter, even if it means jesting at your own expense or that of others?
This introspection, I hope, resonates with you. Grasping these patterns—be they fortifying or limiting—is a significant stride toward crafting a life of empowerment.
Ownership and Accountability
Accountability ought not to hinge solely on repercussions, but rather on personal ownership. By reframing it as such, we diminish the likelihood of cessation once the consequences wane. Coupled with commitment, it solidifies into a pledge to uphold one's word. Commitment, alongside accountability, engenders personal ownership—a potent alliance.
The Significance of a Single Moment
The pinnacle isn't reached upon reaching a destination or achieving a goal, but rather serves as a validation of your chosen course. True greatness unfurls with the initial stride toward a fresh objective, inaugurating a trajectory toward self-improvement. The inaugural step embodies greatness, every subsequent advance a testament to its endurance.
Cherishing the Journey of Becoming
The individual who relishes the process of becoming outpaces the one fixated solely on the destination. By cultivating affection for the journey of becoming exceptional, you engage in an infinite game of personal development, its effects compounding over time.
Should you have persevered thus far, I extend my gratitude for accompanying me on this exploration. My aspiration is that I've provoked contemplation. Should you have encountered your own dragons along the way, I hope to have equipped you with the means to face them.
