If you are THRIVING, then change NOTHING!
Our personal opinion is that even if you feel that you are thriving, most of us could benefit from a reduction in our eating window and frequency of eating.
We would suggest a mix of 2 meals a day and Intermittent Fasting for a blueprint for good health.

There is a tendency for people to discuss healthy eating with reference to the ratios of JUST MACRONUTRIENT intake – Carbohydrates, Fat and Protein intake.
We must remember that MICROnutrients (Vitamins, Minerals & Water) have a MACRO effect on our health!
What do we mean when we say be careful that not all MACROnutrients are the same?
Carbohydrates – Honey vs Kane sugar
Protein – Grass fed steak vs Refined gluten (the protein in grains)
Fat - Butter vs trans-fat margarine.
Two things to avoid with "healthy eating"
Checking for Calories
Macronutrient - based guidance.

The focus for healthy people should be the same for unhealthy people when it comes to food choice during the feeding window of your fast: Eat whole unprocessed foods.
In the modern world, our biggest enemy is consistently high insulin levels that lead to metabolic syndrome. Fasting is your free, easy and proven way to reduce insulin levels, however, we cannot fast for life, we need to eat!
What is the NEW EMERGING SCIENCE on health?
The issue we have at Naru Nutrition is trying to steer people away from the conventional dogma of nutrition. At Naru Nutrition we want to topple the long-standing conventional stupidity of the calories in-calories out model, and how this obsession has caused poor health outcomes and abysmal sustained weight loss. Let’s get to the exciting part, the nuance of new nutritional science:
Fasting is the foundation of a any healthy dietary strategy. Fasting can help you optimise your:
Immune Function
Inflammation Control
Cognitive Function
Internal Antioxidant Production
Cell Repair (Autophagy and Apoptosis)
Eat two meals a day and avoid snacking - Too many meals and snacks - even when choosing the healthiest foods or following ketogenic macros - will compromise fat reduction goals.
Calories in-calories out is a missing one important addition in the equation, body fat. Fat loss is about hormone optimisation, mainly through avoiding the epidemic disease pattern of hyperinsulinemia (high insulin). Remember insulin is a storage hormone.
When you eat is just as important as what you eat. This relates the effect of nutritional timing on your circadian rhythm.
Consume fewer calories and burning more workout calories will not result in fat loss. (An eight-year study of 50,000 Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Trial proved this theory was BS!)
Consume more calories and exercising less will not result in significant fat gain. Your body will increase caloric expenditure to compensate for more calories! Diet-induced thermogenesis is especially relevant with protein, where around 25 percent of protein calories you consume are allocated to their digestion.
We all have an upper limit on average daily caloric expenditure. If you keep hammering yourself at the gym, your body will compromise on other functions (i.e. immune function or reproduction) to prioritise muscle protein synthesis.

What is the key to living a long, healthy and happy life from our diet choices?
In short, put down your breakfast, embrace a more fractal eating pattern, choose nutrient-dense foods like our hunter-gatherer ancestors!
3 Foods to Avoid (or Reduce):
Seed oils (Rapeseed, Sunflower oil, Vegetable oil, Palm oil)
Refined Sugars
Tips For Optimising Your Health
Eat ancestrally: We both follow ancestral eating because we feel it is natural, highly nourishing and satiating. It also allows you to optimise your MICROnutrient intake. Remember, MICROnutrients have a MACRO effect on health.
Hormone Optimisation: Keep the release of insulin to a minimum throughout the day. Hormones should spike and then return to baseline.
Regular Movement: Inactivity reduces mineral and vitamin uptake into the cells and can lead to mineral deficiencies. Inactivity compromises fat burning and promotes carbohydrate cravings.
Lift Weights: Lifting heavy weights elevates levels of anabolic hormones—specifically testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). Helps to slow age related muscle decline (especially type II muscle fibres).
Focus on your Sleep: A lack of sleep (less than 6.5 hours per night) compromises fat burning and promotes carbohydrate dependency.
“Good sleep makes you a good fat burner.”
Mindset: How you THINK, is how you FEEL, is how you BEHAVE!
Reduce Excessive Cardio: If you burn excess calories you, consume more calories and are less metabolically active throughout the day. Chronic cardio will also destroy your health and your heart.
Avoid Calorie Restriction: If your body is calorie restricted, you will down-regulate key functions such as thyroid, adrenal and sex hormone functions.
Avoid Processed Foods: Sugar and Fat are never found together in nature.
Avoid Snacking: Snacking halts the burning of body fat immediately and prompts an insulin spike—yes, even if you eat a high protein or high fat snack. Ancestrally we would not have so much food readily available, give your body a break in between to optimise fat burning and stabilise appetite hormones.