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The Benefits of Citric Acid

Why do we use Citric Acid in Naru Revive?

Citric Acid is a natural derivative of a molecule found in citrus fruit that we use alongside stevia in our Naru Revive electrolyte drink mix to bring a unique balance of delicious salt, sweet and sharpness. But what is citric acid? Where did it come from and is it good for you?

What is Citric Acid?

Citric acid is, as you would expect, an important natural compound found in citrus fruit and originally discovered from lemon juice in 1784 by Swedish researchers. Since then, it has been found in other citrus fruits, pineapples and even animal tissue.

In the early 1900s, researchers discovered that citric acid could be made from Aspergillus Niger, a fungus which create citric acid when fed sugar. Now, before you stop reading at the mere mention of fungus, it is worth remembering that not only do we have fungi naturally occurring in our bodies, but the same citric acid molecule produced from fungus is the same found in citrus fruit.

Citric acid is a now a major industrial chemical, produced at more than 2 million tonnes per year worldwide. Biochemists are familiar with the citric acid cycle, which is a major life process in all respiring organisms.

Is Citric Acid Good for You?

Like all the ingredients in Naru Revive, citric acid is small but mighty when it comes to its potential benefits on the human body.

Enhances nutrient absorption

Citric acid enhances the bioavailability of minerals, allowing your body to better absorb them. Given the nature of Naru Revive as a mineral powder, you can see how this is an important feature.

Energy Metabolism

Humans derive most of their energy from the Krebs cycle, which is when chemical reactions in your body transform food into usable energy. Citric acid is closely related to the molecule citrate, which is the first molecule to form during this process.

May reduce kidney stone development

Kidney stones typically originate in your kidneys and are solid masses made of crystals that can cause blockages and extreme pain.

Citric acid protects against kidney stones by making your urine less favourable for the formation of stones. Urinary citrate, partially reabsorbed as a dicarboxylate in the proximal tubule lumen, inhibits stone formation by complexing calcium.

Kidney stones are often treated with citric acid as potassium citrate. However, consuming foods high in this natural acid, such as citrus fruits, can offer similar kidney-stone-preventing benefits.

In Summary...

  1. Natural and manufactured versions of citric acid are the same molecule

  2. Enhance nutrient absorption

  3. Citric acid can improve energy metabolism

  4. Reduce risk of kidney stones


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