Incorporating healthy fats into your fasting diet is a key element in supporting energy, satiety, and overall health. While fasting, it's crucial to choose fats that not only enhance your fasting experience but also align with your specific health goals. Here, we explore a variety of healthy fats to consider during fasting, along with tips for moderation and potential considerations.
Grass-Fed Ghee:
· Grass-fed ghee, or clarified butter, is a source of saturated fat that can provide steady energy during fasting and great for when breaking a fast.
· It's rich in palmitic acid, stearic acid AND CONJUGATED linoleic acid which may have potential health benefits.
· Ghee is created by removing milk solids and therefore only contains trace amounts of lactose and casein (milk sugars & proteins)
· Ghee is good of HIGH & LOW heat cooking.
· Ghee retains more minerals due to a low heat conversion such as:
o Vitamin A
o Vitamin D
o Vitamin K
o Omega 3 oils

· Avocados are a fantastic source of healthy monounsaturated fats.
· Avocados are a source of:
o vitamin C, E, K, and B6
o Riboflavin
o Niacin
o Folate
o Pantothenic acid
o Magnesium
o Potassium
Avocados also provide lutein, beta carotene, and Omega-3 fatty acids.
· Avocados contain high levels of healthy, beneficial fats, which can help you feel fuller between meals.
· Eating fat slows the breakdown of carbohydrates, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable.

Avocado Oil:
· Avocado oil is a versatile cooking oil with a high smoke point, making it suitable for various cooking methods during fasting.
· Avocado is also a fruit.
· The issue is to make sure it is an amber bottle as the light will oxidise the oil.
· If the avocado oil is not cold pressed if can lead to more oxidisation of the oil.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
· Cod liver oil is a potent source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and vitamin A.
· It may support immune function, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being.
· Omega-3 fatty acids, including ALA, EPA, and DHA, offer potential health benefits. These fatty acids can reduce inflammation, support heart and brain health, and have been linked to positive effects on various chronic health issues.
· Researchers estimated that the dosage required to increase the Omega-3 Index into the recommended range of 8 percent or greater ranged from 1,750 to 2,500 milligrams (1.75 to 2.5 grams) per day.

MCT Oil (Medium-Chain Triglycerides):
MCT oil is converted IMMEDIATELY into KETONES For ENERGY and NOT stored like other fats, however they break a fast!
Fasting induces autophagy by diverting energy towards repair, instead of digestion.
The Ketogenic diet can also trigger autophagy and the two together can be autophagy on steroids!
MCT oil can be great at the END of your fast to extend fat burning and prolong the advantages for your body to repair and reset due to autophagy, which may lower your risk of chronic disease.
Flax, Hemp, and Chia Seeds:
· These seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and plant-based protein.
· They can be added to smoothies or incorporated into recipes for added nutrition.
· Some people suffer from joint pain, muscles aches and abdominal discomfort from eating more sources of oxalates.

Raw Nuts:
· In most nuts this is mainly unsaturated fat: either polyunsaturated fats in walnuts and pine nuts, or monounsaturated fats in almonds, pistachios, pecans and hazelnuts, for example.
· This make nuts a great HIGH energy snack for people that can tolerate them.
· Brazil nuts, cashews and macadamia nuts are higher in saturated fat.
· They offer a satisfying crunch and can serve as a convenient fasting snack.
· Peanuts and Almonds are my least favourite nuts.
· The Linoleic acid in nuts are protected from oxidising by the Vitamin E content.
· Nuts contains protein and fibre, however, the content of nutrients such as vitamin E, potassium and magnesium vary widely between the type of nuts.

Nut Butters:
· Nut butters, such as almond butter or peanut butter, offer a creamy and satisfying source of fats and protein. However, they are horrific for you! They are the biggest dump of anti nutrients (plant defence chemicals) like phytic acid and oxalates.
Peanut butter contains aflatoxins, the most cancer-causing molecule, making it a potentially harmful food choice.
· Peanut butter is high in lectins, phytic acid, seed oils, and oxalates, making it potentially unhealthy.
· Raw Nut butters without any additional sugar or seed oils are ok in small amounts such as cashew butter.
· Nuts contain protein and fibre, however, the content of nutrients such as vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium. However, they do contain lots of anti nutrients that can inhibit the absorption of all these minerals and vitamins.

Raw Butter and Cream:
· Raw butter and cream can be enjoyed in coffee, with food, cooking, sauces and for cooking.
· Butter is best for cooking at LOW heat. Choose GHEE for roasting.
· Consider limiting their consumption during a fast if you aim to stimulate autophagy.
· Cream is a great choice for extending ketosis after a fast
· Bullet proof coffee (2 Tbsp of Coconut Oil & 1 Tbsp of butter) is a great choice for after a fast to keep you in ketosis for a but longer.
· There is some research that large amounts of saturated fat WITHOUT fibre can increase Lipopolysaccharide into the blood stream.
Raw Cheese:
· Like raw butter and cream, raw cheese should be consumed in moderation due to its protein content during a fast, but when you are not fasting, go for it!
· Full FAT is BACK! Dairy products are all processed, however, the less you do to it, the more nutrients and vitamins you retain.
· Consider portion control to align with your fasting goals.
· Cheese, like butter contains palmitic acid, stearic acid AND CONJUGATED linoleic acid which may have potential health benefits. Great source of healthy saturated fats.
· Cheese is a great source of Fat soluble vitamins and minerals as well.

Coconut Oils:
· Coconut oil is a popular source of saturated fats.
· You can use coconut oil for HIGH heat cooking!
· Better to choose a COLD PRESSED coconut oil as less risk of oxidation.
· However, be cautious if you have liver or small intestine issues (as mentioned before about saturated fat on an EMPTY stomach), as it MAY increase cholesterol levels in some individuals which it may not be advantageous.

I cannot emphasise the importance of choosing high calorie dense foods, rather than lots of low-calorie snacks throughout the day. Even if you are loosing weight, you still need calories, but make sure they will keep you full for longer. Fat and protein will do just that rather than lots of carbohydrate in your diet. So next time you are looking for a snack, think about how long will it keep you full for.
Eating more healthy fats and encouraging your body into ketosis can help with metabolic switching during your fast. Metabolic switching (going from carbohydrate to fat as fuel) is ancestrally conserved tool we would have needed to get us through times of nutrient scarcity.
Incorporating healthy fats into your fasting diet can enhance your fasting experience and provide essential fat soluble nutrients (A,D,E & K). It's essential to choose fats that align with your fasting goals and dietary preferences. Remember that moderation is key, especially when it comes to fats that contain some protein, as excessive protein intake may impact autophagy during fasting.
Adding fats to the end of your fast can be a great tool to extend ketosis which will help calm your thoughts, improve mental performance, and give you an energy boost!
To optimise your fasting journey, consult with a healthcare provider or nutritionist to tailor your fasting and fat intake to your specific needs and health status.
· Walker, Rachel E; Hedengran, Anne; Shearer, Gregory C.; Jackson, Kristina Harris; Tintle, Nathan L; Bernasconi, Aldo, et al. (2019). Predicting The Effects Of Supplemental EPA And DHA On The Omega-3 Index The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition 110, 4.
· Calder, Philip C; Innes, Jacqueline K. (2020). Marine Omega-3 (N-3) Fatty Acids For Cardiovascular Health: An Update For 2020 International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 21, 4.
· Canhada, Scheine; Castro, Kamila; Perry, Ingrid Schweigert; Luft, Vivian Cristine (2017). Omega-3 Fatty Acids' Supplementation In Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Review Nutritional Neuroscience 21, 8.
· Miles, Elizabeth A; Calder, Philip C (2012). Influence Of Marinen-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids On Immune Function And A Systematic Review Of Their Effects On Clinical Outcomes In Rheumatoid Arthritis The British Journal Of Nutrition 107, S2.